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a piece of the action (informal) a share of profits, or of some activity.
action movie a film whose story line focuses on conflict and fast-paced activity, esp. involving physical violence, feats of strength and agility, and chase scenes.
action verb a verb that shows its subject performing some action. "Run," "eat," "fly," and "sing" are examples of action verbs.
action-adventure a genre of films, video games, and the like having an exciting undertaking involving risk and danger as its main story line, and involving one or more heroes engaged in a series of physical challenges. [2 definitions]
action-packed of a film, video, story, or the like, filled with scenes depicting action, danger, and exciting events.
affirmative action a policy to make sure certain groups of people are given a fair chance for jobs and education. In particular, this policy is for minority groups and women who were not given these opportunities in the past. Regulations made by the U.S. government support affirmative action.
cause of action in law, the facts cited in a complaint, on the basis of which a court case is filed.
class action a lawsuit brought on behalf of all persons sharing grounds for legal action, such as all consumers allegedly harmed by a particular product.
direct action a form of non-violent political action using immediately available means of communication, disruption, and confrontation, such as picketing, boycotts, demonstrations, and roadblocks.
job action a collective action by workers, such as a temporary strike or slowdown, that is undertaken to force a company to change its policies, esp. in regard to working conditions.
play-action pass in football, a forward pass made by the quarterback after feigning a handoff.
political action committee an independent political organization that seeks to promote the cause of a particular interest group, usu. through fundraising and campaigning to elect candidates who support the group's views.