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Multi-word Results
all set completely ready. [2 definitions]
close-set being near to one another, or having parts or elements placed near to one another.
crystal set an early form of radio receiver that used a crystal detector.
data set a collection of data records to be analyzed.
dead set against utterly opposed to; strongly against.
deep-set set far in; deeply set. [2 definitions]
drum set a collection of percussion instruments arranged for convenient playing by a drummer; drum kit.
have one's heart set on to strongly desire and look forward to (something), and in such as way as to be greatly disappointed if the desire is not fulfilled.
jet set a group of fashionable, wealthy people who reputedly travel by jet from one resort to another.
love set a set in tennis in which the losing team or player wins no games.
nail set a short metal rod used to drive a nailhead level with or below a wood surface.
receiving set a device that receives television or radio signals; receiver.
set about to start (a task or undertaking).
set aside to not use (something) immediately but keep somewhere in reach for later. [4 definitions]
set at naught to disregard or treat as worthless or insignificant.
set down to place (something) on the floor, ground, or other surface, often temporarily. [5 definitions]
set eyes on to get a view of; see.
set fire to to cause to start burning; ignite.
set forth to begin a journey or adventure. [2 definitions]
set in to begin or take effect.