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Multi-word Results
blood type see "blood group."
touch-type to type by the touch system, in which the typist is trained to use specific fingers to hit specific groups of contiguous keys without looking at the keyboard.
Type A of, pertaining to, or designating a personality or a person characterized by impatience, aggression, and tenseness, and thus considered to be relatively prone to heart disease. (Cf. Type B.)
Type B of, pertaining to, or designating a personality or a person characterized by serenity, relaxation, and contentment, and thus considered to be relatively unlikely to incur heart disease. (Cf. Type A.)
type foundry a factory for casting metal type.
type metal an alloy of tin, lead, and antimony, used in making printing types.
type-cast in printing, to prepare or cast (type). [2 definitions]
V-type engine an automobile engine in which the cylinders are lined up in two rows that are set at an angle to each other, forming a V.