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Multi-word Results
chafing dish a lidded dish or pot, supported on a metal frame with a candle or other heating device beneath it, and used to cook food at the table or keep it hot.
deep-dish pie a pie, usu. of fruit, baked in a deep dish, often with a crust only on the top.
dish antenna a radio antenna with a round, concave reflector, used to receive or send satellite and microwave signals.
dish it out to give out criticism or harsh treatment in a heartless manner.
dish out to give out; supply.
dish up to put (food) into a dish in order to serve.
dishtowel a towel used to dry dishes.
petri dish a shallow, round, transparent glass or plastic dish with an overlapping cover, used for culturing bacteria and other microorganisms.
satellite dish a dish antenna designed to receive and transmit electromagnetic signals relayed by satellite, commonly used to receive television signals broadcast by satellite.
side dish a portion of food, often vegetables, that is served along with the main dish of a meal.