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Multi-word Results
Erin go bragh Ireland forever (Irish Gaelic); (used to express loyalty to Ireland).
go about to proceed with (something) in a certain way, or in a correct way. [2 definitions]
go after to pursue (someone or something).
go ahead to proceed with one's plan or intention; go forward without further waiting or hesitation.
go along to move or flow ahead; proceed. [2 definitions]
go along with to do what others want or plan to do regardless of whether one agrees or not. [3 definitions]
go around to go from one person or place to another; circulate. [2 definitions]
go back to return to a place, person, topic of discussion, or activity previously engaged in. [3 definitions]
go back on to take back.
go back to the drawing board to start at the very beginning again; begin anew.
go crazy (informal) to lose one's sanity. [2 definitions]
go down to decrease or descend. [5 definitions]
go Dutch (informal) to go on an outing or order a meal, with each person paying his or her own share.
go for all the marbles (slang) to risk a great deal hoping for a big gain.
go for the jugular to attempt to inflict a seriously wounding or fatal blow; attempt to defeat decisively.
go green of a company or institution, to begin to operate in a way that helps to protect the environment.
go in of information, to enter one's mind. [4 definitions]
go in on to join with others in connection with (something).
Go Kart trademark for a particular type of kart.
go off to explode. [8 definitions]