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Multi-word Results
poison dogwood poison sumac.
poison gas any of various toxic gases, such as chlorine, esp. when used in warfare.
poison ivy a North American plant with shiny leaves in groups of three and white berries. If it touches the skin, poison ivy can cause an itchy rash. [2 definitions]
poison oak a western North American shrub bearing leaves that often resemble oak leaves and secreting an oil that can cause a severe rash on contact. [2 definitions]
poison pill a defensive measure taken by a corporation to prevent a takeover by making it too costly.
poison sumac a shrub native to swamps of eastern North America bearing pinnate leaves resembling those of sumac and clumps of grayish white berries and secreting an oil that causes a severe rash on contact.
poison-pen of a letter, note, or the like, containing invective, abuse, or threats designed to damage the reputation or happiness of the recipient, and usu. written anonymously.