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catch basin a receptacle at the entry to a sewer designed to trap any matter that might block drainage.
catch cold to become ill with a cold.
catch fire to start to burn.
catch on to grasp the meaning of something (often fol by "to"). [3 definitions]
catch on fire (informal) to start to burn; catch fire.
catch phrase a phrase that gains wide public currency, esp. by being frequently repeated.
catch someone's eye to get the attention of.
catch up to reach or come up to from behind and next to (usually followed by "to" or "with"). [2 definitions]
Catch-22 a situation in which one is trapped between two logically contradictory rules or regulations that make successful action impossible.
catch-and-release in fishing, a policy of conservation that requires fish to be released back into the wild after being caught.
catch-up any attempt to overtake one who is ahead, as in a game.
fair catch in football, a catch of a punt whereby the receiver, in order not to be tackled, signals that no attempt will be made to advance with the ball.