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Multi-word Results
direct action a form of non-violent political action using immediately available means of communication, disruption, and confrontation, such as picketing, boycotts, demonstrations, and roadblocks.
direct current an electric current that flows in one direction.
direct deposit a way of getting paid so that the money goes straight into your bank account. You receive a notice of deposit instead of a pay check.
direct mail advertisements, appeals for donations, and the like, mailed to a large number of people.
direct object the part of a sentence that shows the object, goal, or receiver of the action of a verb. "The ball" in "She kicked the ball" is a direct object.
direct primary election a preliminary election in which candidates for public office are nominated by direct vote of the people. (Cf. closed primary election.)
direct tax a tax collected by the government directly from the person who must pay it, such as income tax or property tax.