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and so forth with more of the same type. [2 definitions]
and so on with more of the same type. [2 definitions]
-ane a hydrocarbon of the methane series.
anecdotal of, resembling, or concerning an anecdote or anecdotes. [2 definitions]
anecdote a brief account of a notable or humorous incident.
anechoic not having or producing reverberations of sound.
anemia a condition resulting from a deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin and characterized by weakness, pallor, and difficulty in breathing.
anemic pertaining to or suffering from anemia, a condition resulting from a deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin and characterized by weakness, pallor, and difficulty in breathing. [2 definitions]
anemograph an instrument used to measure and record the speed of the wind.
anemometer an instrument that measures the speed and force of the wind.
anemone a type of plant related to the buttercup and characterized by large white, blue, purple, or red flowers. [2 definitions]
anemophilous of plants, pollinated by wind-blown pollen.
anencephaly congenital absence of all or part of the brain.
anent in reference to; regarding.
aneroid using no liquid.
aneroid barometer a barometer that uses a thin metal disk covering a partial vacuum, such that a change in atmospheric pressure results in a corresponding change in the shape of the disk and moves the indicator needle.
anesthesia complete or partial inability to perceive bodily sensation such as pain. [2 definitions]
anesthesiologist a doctor who specializes in anesthesiology.
anesthesiology the science, study, and practice of applying anesthetics.
anesthetic a drug that causes anesthesia in the whole body or in a localized area. [2 definitions]
anesthetist a person, usu. a doctor or nurse, trained to administer gas or drugs that cause lack of sensation or loss of consciousness.