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circumfuse to spread (something such as a fluid) around a wide area. [2 definitions]
circumlocution the use of roundabout, indirect, or evasive language in speech or writing. [2 definitions]
circumlunar revolving around or surrounding the moon.
circumnavigate to go entirely around, esp. by sailing.
circumpolar moving around or close to one of the poles of the earth or of the celestial sphere.
circumscribe to draw a line around. [3 definitions]
circumsolar revolving around or surrounding the sun.
circumspect characterized by prudent consideration of circumstances or consequences; discreet; cautious.
circumstance an occurrence or fact associated with or having an impact on an event or situation. [6 definitions]
circumstantial of, pertaining to, or depending on circumstances. [2 definitions]
circumstantial evidence facts that are not direct evidence of an action, but that, in a court of law, may support an inference about that action; indirect evidence.
circumstantiate to supply circumstances or particulars as evidence, proof, or description of.
circumterrestrial revolving around or surrounding the earth.
circumvallate encircled by or as by a wall, rampart, or trench. [2 definitions]
circumvent to manage to avoid or evade, esp. by clever maneuvering. [2 definitions]
circus a traveling show that usually includes performances by acrobats and clowns, and sometimes trained animals. [3 definitions]
ciré a smooth shiny finish, as on a fabric, produced by treatment with wax and heat. [2 definitions]
cirque a circular basin or hollow in an upper end of a mountain valley sometimes containing a pond.
cirrhosis a chronic, often fatal, disease of the liver in which excessive tissue is formed resulting in blockage of circulation.
cirro- cirrus.
cirrocumulus a high-altitude cloud formed of many small, thin, rounded cloudlets, often arranged in rows or regular series.