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Common Market an economic association of major western European countries mainly designed to eliminate tariffs on trade among member nations and establish uniform tariffs on goods from other countries; European Economic Community. [2 definitions]
common noun a noun, such as "boy," "poodle," or "town," that refers to a class, or to an unspecified member of a class, of persons, places, things, or the like, and that is often preceded by an article. (Cf. proper noun.)
commonplace unremarkable or ordinary. [4 definitions]
commonplace book a notebook in which one records quotations, poems, extracts, thoughts, and the like.
common sense practical judgment based on experience or native intelligence, and not on education or training.
common stock ordinary capital shares of a corporation that often provide dividends and confer voting privileges, but that place their owners' claims, in the event the corporation liquidates, below those of holders of preferred stocks or bonds.
common time a musical meter of four beats, usu. quarter notes, to the measure; four-four time.
commonweal the public welfare; common good.
commonwealth a political unit, usu. a state or nation, or the people thereof. [3 definitions]
Commonwealth Day in much of the British Commonwealth, the second Monday in March, when the Commonwealth is recognized.
Commonwealthmen group of British thinkers and reformers whose ideas of republicanism, civic virtue, and liberty had an influence on the leaders of the American Revolution.
commotion an agitated or noisy disturbance. [2 definitions]
communal of or pertaining to a community or a commune. [2 definitions]
communalism a theory or system of government in which local communities or communes have virtual autonomy within a loose federation. [2 definitions]
communalize to make (something) the property of the community; convert to public property.
communal taint in India, the perception of a person or political body being strongly tied to or influenced by a particular cultural or religious community and thus not committed to values of secularism and unity.
commune1 to be in close or intimate communication. [2 definitions]
commune2 a group of people living together as a community, working collectively on land owned in common or by a government. [3 definitions]
communicable capable of being communicated or transmitted.
communicant a church member who takes, or is entitled to take, Communion. [2 definitions]
communicate to impart. [4 definitions]