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constitutional of or relating to a constitution. [4 definitions]
constitutionalism a system of government based upon the adherence to basic laws and principles laid out in a written constitution. [2 definitions]
constitutionality the quality of being in legal accord with a constitution, or of being otherwise constitutional.
constitutionless combined form of constitution.
constitutive essential; constituent. [2 definitions]
constrain to cause by physical, moral, or other compulsion; compel; oblige. [3 definitions]
constrained forced; compelled. [2 definitions]
constraint something that compels, confines, or restrains. [4 definitions]
constrict to pull or squeeze in; make narrower or smaller; tighten. [3 definitions]
constriction the act or process of constricting, or that which constricts. [3 definitions]
constrictor any of various snakes that coil around and crush their prey. [3 definitions]
construct to put together by assembling component parts; build. [2 definitions]
constructable combined form of construct.
construction the act or process of building or constructing. [4 definitions]
constructionist a person who interprets a law, constitution, or the like in a specific way, such as literally or broadly.
construction paper heavy colored paper, used esp. by school children for drawing, crafts, and the like.
constructive serving to clarify or improve; helpful. [3 definitions]
constructivism an early twentieth-century art movement, originating in the Soviet Union, in which industrial materials were used to create massive nonrepresentational works.
construe to comprehend or explain the meaning or intention of; assign a meaning to; interpret. [6 definitions]
consubstantiation the Christian doctrine of the coexistence of the body and blood of Jesus Christ with the bread and wine of the Eucharist. (See transubstantiation.)
consul a national government official assigned to live in a foreign city in order to give assistance and protection to his or her nation's citizens who live or travel there, and to promote his or her country's commercial interests. [2 definitions]