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eye shadow colored or tinted makeup applied to the upper eyelids.
eyeshot the range of vision. (See earshot.)
eyesight the ability to see; vision. [2 definitions]
eyesore something that is unpleasant or offensive to look at, esp. something that mars an otherwise pleasing view.
eyespot a primitive visual organ that is sensitive to light, found in many invertebrates. [2 definitions]
eyestrain discomfort or fatigue in the eyes or head, caused by using the eyes improperly or excessively.
eyetooth a canine tooth in the upper jaw, located beneath the eye.
eyewash a liquid for bathing or administering medicine to the eye. [2 definitions]
eyewink the action of winking the eye.
eyewitness one who has witnessed an occurrence with his or her own eyes. [2 definitions]
eyrie variant of "aerie," a nest built high on a cliff or mountain, esp. by an eagle or other bird of prey.
eyrir the smaller monetary unit of Iceland. (Cf. krona.)
Ezekiel according to the Old Testament, a major Hebrew prophet of the sixth century B.C. [2 definitions]
F2 symbol of the chemical element fluorine.
F3 abbreviation of "female."
F1 abbreviation of "Fahrenheit," of, pertaining to, or designating a temperature scale on which thirty-two degrees is the freezing point and 212 degrees is the boiling point of water.
F4 abbreviation of "false," untrue or incorrect.
F5 abbreviation of "fermi," a unit of length equal to 10-15 meter.
F- in the U.S. military, a fighter plane, such as an F-16.
f the sixth letter of the English alphabet. [4 definitions]
f. abbreviation of "force," in physics, an influence on the shape, motion, or other characteristics of a body or system.