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freshen up to make oneself feel more comfortable or attractive, as by washing the face, combing the hair, or the like.
freshet a sudden rise or overflow of a stream, because of heavy rain or a sudden thaw. [2 definitions]
freshly newly or recently made or done.
freshman a first-year student at a high school, college, or university. [4 definitions]
freshwater consisting of or pertaining to water that is not salty. [3 definitions]
fresh water water that is not salty.
Fresnel lens a thin and relatively flat optical lens made of many stepped concentric rings, and having the properties of a thicker, more concave lens.
Fresnel mirrors two mirrors joined together at an angle slightly less than 180 degrees, so that a beam of light falling on them is reflected in different directions, producing interference fringes where the reflected light overlaps.
fret1 to feel or express worry, concern, or annoyance. [8 definitions]
fret2 an interlaced, angular design used as decoration, esp. as cut out of wood with a fret saw; fretwork. [3 definitions]
fret3 one of the ridges set across the fingerboard of a stringed instrument, such as a guitar or lute, that is played by hand. [2 definitions]
fretful inclined to worry anxiously, or to be irritable.
fret saw a fine-toothed saw with a narrow blade set in a U-shaped frame, used to cut ornamental patterns in wood and other materials.
fretwork ornamental openwork composed of interlacing bars in a repeated, geometric pattern.
Freudian of or relating to Freud or to his psychoanalytic theories or practices. [2 definitions]
Freudian slip a mistake in speech that is thought to reveal unconscious motives, wishes, or the like.
FRG abbreviation of "Federal Republic of Germany," from 1949 to 1990, a central European country, formerly also known as West Germany, located between France and East Germany, now part of reunited Germany.
Fri. abbreviation of "Friday," the sixth day of the week, occurring between Thursday and Saturday.
friable easy to crumble, break, or reduce to powder; crumbly, as certain rocks.
friar a member of a male Roman Catholic religious order, esp. the Franciscan and Dominican mendicant orders; monk.
friar's lantern an elusive light that hovers over marshes at night; ignis fatuus.