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gnostic of, pertaining to, or having knowledge, esp. spiritual understanding. [3 definitions]
Gnosticism an early Christian religious movement whose adherents believed in salvation through spiritual knowledge (gnosis), in the evil nature of the material world, and in the incorporeality of Jesus Christ, and which was condemned as a heresy by the Church Fathers.
GNP abbreviation of "gross national product," the total market or monetary value of all the goods and services that a nation produces, usu. in one year.
gnu a large African antelope with an oxlike head, horns curving downward and outward, a beard and short mane, and a long tail.
go1 to proceed; travel. [28 definitions]
go2 a Japanese game of strategy played with counters on a segmented board.
go about to proceed with (something) in a certain way, or in a correct way. [2 definitions]
goad something that spurs a person to action; stimulus. [4 definitions]
go after to pursue (someone or something).
go-ahead (informal) a signal that it is all right to proceed. [2 definitions]
go ahead to proceed with one's plan or intention; go forward without further waiting or hesitation.
goal a result or end that one desires and works for; aim or purpose. [3 definitions]
goalie in sports, a goalkeeper.
goalkeeper the player who is responsible for defending his or her team's goal in soccer, hockey, lacrosse, and the like.
goalless combined form of goal.
go along to move or flow ahead; proceed. [2 definitions]
go along with to do what others want or plan to do regardless of whether one agrees or not. [3 definitions]
goalpost in football, either of two upright posts supported by a crossbar, defining an area through which a field goal or conversion must be kicked. [2 definitions]
goaltender on a team, a defensive position assigned to protect the goal, esp. in soccer, hockey, or lacrosse.
Goa powder see "araroba."
go around to go from one person or place to another; circulate. [2 definitions]