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Ismaros a mountain in Thrace where, according to Greek mythology, Odysseus and his men managed to flee from Polyphemus.
isn't contracted form of "is not."
iso- equal; alike.
isoagglutination the clumping of red blood cells of a person or animal when transfused with the blood serum of another member of the same species.
isobar a line on a weather map drawn between places that have the same barometric pressure during a given time or period. [2 definitions]
isochronal equal in time or duration. [2 definitions]
isocline geological strata so compressed or tightly folded that they dip equally in the same direction.
isodynamic pertaining to or having equal force or strength. [2 definitions]
isogamete either of a pair of uniting gametes that are similar in their size, structure, activity, and the like. (Cf. heterogamete.)
isogenous of the same or similar origin; corresponding genetically, as the parts derived from the same tissues of an embryo.
isogonic of, pertaining to, or having equal angles; equiangular. [3 definitions]
isolate to set apart from other things or people. [3 definitions]
isolated apart from other persons or things; remote. [3 definitions]
isolation the act of isolating or state of being isolated. [3 definitions]
isolationism a policy or doctrine whereby a nation or country elects not to involve itself in the affairs of other nations or countries.
isolationist of, pertaining to, or in accordance with a policy or doctrine whereby a nation or country elects not to involve itself in the affairs of other nations or countries. [2 definitions]
isoleucine an amino acid, essential in the diet of humans and other animals, that is found in proteins.
isomer a chemical compound that has the same kind and number of atoms as one or more other compounds, but differs from them in structural or spatial arrangement of the atoms and therefore in its properties. [2 definitions]
isomerous having an equal number of parts or markings. [2 definitions]
isometric having or displaying equal measurements or dimensions. [4 definitions]
isomorph an object, organism, compound, or set that is similar in form or appearance to another, although different in other properties, such as origin. [2 definitions]