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Janus in Roman mythology, the god who protects entrances and exits and is portrayed with two faces looking in opposite directions.
Jap (offensive slang) a Japanese person.
Japan an island country in the Pacific off the coast of Korea and the Soviet Union; Nippon.
japan any of a number of shiny, black, long-lasting varnishes. [4 definitions]
Japanese of or pertaining to Japan or its people, culture, language, or the like. [3 definitions]
Japanese beetle a shiny green and brown beetle, originally from Asia, that eats the leaves, fruits, flowers, and roots of plants.
Japanese lantern see "Chinese lantern."
Japanese oyster a large oyster originally from Japan, but also found now in Puget Sound.
Japanese quince a thorny shrub of the rose family that bears pink or red flowers and hard, sweet-smelling, greenish yellow fruit. [2 definitions]
jape to say something as a joke; jest. [3 definitions]
japonica any of various trees, shrubs, or plants of the Far East, such as the Japanese quince or the camellia.
jar1 a wide-mouthed cylindrical container, usu. made of glass or pottery, and often having a lid. [2 definitions]
jar2 to collide or bump so as to cause vibration; jolt. [9 definitions]
jardiniere a large ornamental container for flowers or plants. [2 definitions]
jargon1 technical or specialized words or language, as of a science or profession, sometimes considered to be unnecessary or confusing. [3 definitions]
jargon2 a yellow, green, colorless, or smoky type of the mineral zircon that is valued as a gem.
Jarlsberg trademark for a buttery mild cheese of Norway.
jarring having a disagreeable effect on the nerves, as through suddenness or discordance.
jasmine any of various shrubs or vines that bear strongly sweet-smelling flowers. [2 definitions]
Jason in Greek mythology, the hero who voyaged in search of the Golden Fleece.
jasper a type of quartz that occurs in various colors and is often used for carvings.