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point after touchdown see "conversion."
point-blank of a gunshot or other shot, fired at very close range. [4 definitions]
pointed having a tapered point. [3 definitions]
pointer a person or thing that points or indicates. [5 definitions]
pointillism a school of painting in late nineteenth century France based on the use of small separate dots of paint which look united and luminous to the viewer's eye.
point lace a type of lace worked on a needle rather than a bobbin; needlepoint.
pointless useless to pursue; without meaning. [3 definitions]
point of honor a matter that affects one's reputation or honor.
point of no return the point in an aircraft's flight when it lacks sufficient fuel to return to its starting point, and must thus proceed forward. [2 definitions]
point of order a question as to whether a matter under discussion is in order according to the rules of parliamentary procedure.
point-of-sale of, pertaining to, or at the place where a purchase is made.
point of view a position or place from which one may view, consider, or appraise something; viewpoint; standpoint. [2 definitions]
point out to indicate or remark on (something) so that someone else can see it or know it.
point system a method of grading that uses numbers instead of letter grades. [4 definitions]
point to to serve as a sign or indication of something. [2 definitions]
pointy having a relatively sharp point. [2 definitions]
poise a state or position of equilibrium; balance. [6 definitions]
poison a substance that can kill or seriously harm living organisms, esp. by chemical means. [6 definitions]
poison dogwood poison sumac.
poison gas any of various toxic gases, such as chlorine, esp. when used in warfare.
poison ivy a North American plant bearing leaflets in groups of three, greenish flowers, and white berries and secreting an oil that can cause a severe rash on contact. [2 definitions]