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Ptolemaic of or pertaining to Ptolemy or the system of astronomy he developed.
Ptolemaic system the cosmographic theory, systematized by the Hellenistic astronomer Ptolemy, according to which all heavenly bodies revolve around the earth, which is fixed at the center of the universe.
Ptolemy an Alexandrian mathematician, astronomer, and geographer (second century A.D.). [2 definitions]
ptomaine any of a variety of basic nitrogenous substances, some poisonous, that are produced by the decay of protein.
ptomaine poisoning poisoning caused by ingestion of a ptomaine, or food poisoning erroneously ascribed to this cause.
ptyalin an enzyme found in human and some animal saliva that converts starch into maltose and various dextrins.
Pu symbol of the chemical element plutonium.
pub a bar or tavern that serves food and often has a strong community connection.
puberty the stage or age at which a person experiences the maturation of the reproductive system.
pubes1 hair that appears as a secondary sex characteristic at puberty, esp. the hair surrounding the genitals. [2 definitions]
pubes2 pl. of pubis.
pubescent reaching or having already reached puberty. [2 definitions]
pubic of, pertaining to, or located in the area of the lower abdomen that includes the front portion of the pelvis.
pubis the section of either hipbone that, together with the same section of the other hipbone, forms the front part of the pelvis.
public of, for, or pertaining to all members of a community; not private. [7 definitions]
public-address system a system of electronic amplifiers used to make sounds easily heard by a large audience, as in a theater or auditorium, or outdoors.
publican the proprietor of a pub (public house), who holds the license to sell alcoholic beverages. [2 definitions]
publication the act of publishing printed material. [4 definitions]
public debt the total amount of money owed to creditors by a local, state, or national government.
public defender an attorney who, at public expense, defends persons accused of crimes who are themselves unable to pay.
public domain land owned by the government, such as a state or national park or preserve. [2 definitions]