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saturation point the limit beyond which no further absorption can occur. [2 definitions]
Saturday the seventh day of the week, occurring between Friday and the beginning of another week on Sunday.
Saturdays on Saturdays; each Saturday; every Saturday.
Saturn the second largest planet in the solar system and sixth from the sun, having many satellites, a diameter of about 74,500 miles, and a system of icy rings around its equator. [2 definitions]
Saturnalia (sometimes used with a pl. verb) the ancient Romans' week-long festival of Saturn, held at the time of the winter solstice. [2 definitions]
saturnine born under the astrological sign of the planet Saturn or influenced by that planet, according to the beliefs of astrology. [4 definitions]
saturnism lead poisoning.
Satyagraha (sometimes l.c.) the policy of nonviolent or passive resistance as a political tactic, created and used extensively by Mohandas Gandhi in India.
satyr (sometimes cap.) in Greek mythology, any of a group of minor gods who represent the spirits of the forests and the mountains, depicted as men with pointed ears and short horns; faun. [3 definitions]
satyriasis a condition of frequent excessive or uncontrollable sexual desire or arousal in a male.
sauce a liquid dressing or relish that is served with food to add flavor. [5 definitions]
saucepan a fairly deep, usu. metal cooking pan with a long handle.
saucer a small shallow dish on which a cup may be set, or an object that resembles such a dish.
saucy impudent or disrespectful; insolent. [3 definitions]
Saudi of or pertaining to Saudi Arabia or its people, culture, or the like. [2 definitions]
Saudi Arabia a Middle Eastern country, occupying most of the Arabian Peninsula.
sauerbraten a type of beef pot roast, originating in Germany, that is marinated in a mixture of vinegar, sugar, and spices before cooking.
sauerkraut shredded cabbage that has been salted and allowed to ferment in its own juices.
sauger a small North American freshwater fish with a spotted, bony dorsal fin.
Saul according to the Old Testament, the first king of Israel, who ruled in the eleventh century B.C. and united the tribes in fighting their common enemies, esp. the Philistines. [2 definitions]
sauna a type of steam bath developed in Finland, esp. one in which water is poured over hot rocks to produce steam. [2 definitions]