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tantrum a violent, noisy display of temper, esp. by a young child.
Tanzania an East African country on the Indian Ocean between Kenya and Mozambique.
Tanzanian of or pertaining to Tanzania or its people, culture, or the like. [2 definitions]
taoiseach (Irish; often cap.) the prime minister of the Republic of Ireland.
Taoism a Chinese philosophy and religious system, based on the teachings of Lao Tzu, that advocates a life of simplicity, acceptance of the course of nature, and the like.
Taoist of or pertaining to a Chinese philosophy and religious system, based on the teachings of Lao Tzu, that advocates a life of simplicity, acceptance of the course of nature, and the like. [2 definitions]
tap1 to strike or cause to strike lightly, and often several times. [7 definitions]
tap2 a device to control the flow of liquid or gas from a pipe or container, or a plug to prevent such a flow; spigot; faucet. [9 definitions]
tapa the inner bark of the paper mulberry. [2 definitions]
tap dance a dance in which the performer, wearing shoes with special hard soles, uses the foot, heel, or toe to tap out a rhythm.
tap-dance to perform a tap dance.
tape a long narrow strip of material, usu. of plastic, cloth, or paper, sometimes having adhesive on one side. [5 definitions]
tape deck a tape recorder and player without its own amplifier or speaker, usu. part of a larger sound system.
tape measure a long strip of cloth or flexible metal having units such as inches, feet, centimeters, or meters marked on it, used for measuring; measuring tape.
taper to narrow, as toward a point. [7 definitions]
tape-record to record (sound) onto magnetic tape.
tape recorder a machine used to record sound onto magnetic tape or to play back the sound recorded.
tapestry a piece of heavy fabric on which a design or representation has been woven with colored threads, usu. by hand, used as a wall hanging or for other decorative purposes. [3 definitions]
tapeworm any of various flatworms that live as parasites in the intestines of humans and other vertebrates.
tapioca a starch obtained from the cassava root, refined in small beads or other forms, and used as a thickening agent in puddings and other foods.
tapir any of several related four-footed, hoofed, piglike mammals that have a heavy body, short legs, and a long flexible fleshy snout.