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accord balanced interrelationship; agreement; harmony. [1/6 definitions]
chi2 vital energy that, according to Taoist and other Chinese philosophies, is inherent in all things and whose free and balanced flow around the body is the basis of good health.
counterpoise the condition of being exactly balanced; equilibrium. [1/3 definitions]
off-balance made or done while one is not physically balanced.
on an even keel well-balanced or stable.
poise to be in a balanced state. [1/6 definitions]
supersensitive delicately contrived or balanced, as a mechanism; extremely responsive. [1/2 definitions]
teeter board a plank of wood or other hard material balanced on a support in the middle such that when one end goes up, the other comes down; seesaw.
unequal not well balanced or matched. [1/5 definitions]
wheelie a stunt performed usu. on a bicycle or motorcycle, in which the front wheel is lifted so that for a short time the vehicle is balanced on its rear wheel.