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backfield in football, those offensive players whose position is behind the line, or those defensive players whose position is behind the linebackers. [1/2 definitions]
barbican a defensive tower at the entrance to a town or fortified castle.
battlement (often pl.) a parapet or defensive wall lining the top of a fortification, with indentations at regular intervals.
blocker in football, an offensive player who tries to block defensive players from tackling the ball carrier. [1/2 definitions]
breastwork a temporary, hastily built defensive fortification, usu. of breast height.
cornerback in football, one of two players on the outer edges of the defensive secondary who guard against end runs and cover wide receivers.
corral a defensive enclosure of vehicles such as wagons. [1/4 definitions]
field to play baseball as a defensive player. [1/11 definitions]
first base the defensive position of the infielder stationed at or near this base. [1/2 definitions]
fortification a fortified place or defensive structure, such as a castle or fort. [1/3 definitions]
fortify to build defensive structures or fortifications. [1/5 definitions]
goaltender on a team, a defensive position assigned to protect the goal, esp. in soccer, hockey, or lacrosse.
Great Wall of China a defensive fortification in northern China which stretches for thousands of miles. Parts of the structure were built as early as the seventh century BCE. These and other parts were connected in the third century, beginning the creation of what became considered the Great Wall. Later parts were eventually added, especially in the fourteenth through seventeenth centuries.
ice in hockey, to shoot (the puck) from one's defensive zone across the end line of the opposing team's defensive zone. [1/12 definitions]
linebacker in football, a defensive player whose usual position is between the defensive linemen and backfield.
lineman in football, an offensive or defensive player whose usual position is at the line of scrimmage. [1/3 definitions]
petard an explosive device formerly used in warfare to breach a defensive fortification.
poison pill a defensive measure taken by a corporation to prevent a takeover by making it too costly.
rampart a mound of earth raised to serve as a defensive fortification, often topped with a protective wall. [3 definitions]
rise an angry or defensive response. [1/24 definitions]
sally a sudden forward attack or rush from a defensive position by a military force. [2/7 definitions]