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angle iron a piece of rolled iron or steel in the form of a right angle along its lengthwise dimension, used in construction for joining parts or as support.
barrel roll a maneuver in which an aircraft completes one spiral revolution around its lengthwise axis, without changing direction of flight.
blue whale the largest whale, as much as one hundred feet long, with a bluish gray back, yellow undersides, and grooves running lengthwise on the throat and abdomen.
business envelope an envelope that will enclose a sheet of paper eight and a half inches wide that has been folded twice lengthwise.
carryall1 a car or bus with two lengthwise seats. [1/2 definitions]
complicate in biology, folded lengthwise several times, as an insect wing or a leaf. [1/3 definitions]
corduroy a fabric, usu. cotton, with cords or cut pile woven in to form lengthwise ribs. [1/6 definitions]
endways along the length of a container or space; lengthwise. [1/4 definitions]
fedora a hat of soft felt, with a curled brim that can be turned up or down and a lengthwise crease in the crown.
finback any of several related whalebone whales with lengthwise grooves on the throat and a prominent, pointed dorsal fin; rorqual.
fish joint the joint between two timbers, beams, or rails that are bolted together lengthwise or end to end, usu. by a fishplate or fishplates.
flitch a lengthwise cut from a tree trunk, as for veneer. [1/4 definitions]
fore-and-aft located along or parallel to a line from the bow to the stern of a ship or boat; lengthwise. [1/2 definitions]
French fries (often l.c.) potatoes cut into lengthwise strips and fried in deep oil or fat.
glengarry (sometimes cap.) a Scottish cap creased lengthwise on the top and often having short ribbons in the back.
grain the lengthwise pattern in materials such as wood, fabric, or leather. [1/11 definitions]
keel a structural part extending lengthwise down the bottom center of the hull of a boat or ship, important for stability in water. [1/4 definitions]
longitudinal positioned or running lengthwise. [1/4 definitions]
longways lengthwise.
pit saw a large saw used to cut wood lengthwise that is handled by two persons, one positioned on the log and the second in a pit or trench beneath it.
quartersaw to saw (a log) lengthwise into quarters and then into boards.