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beanbag a large sturdy pellet-filled bag used as a chair. [1/2 definitions]
binder a large, sturdy notebook cover that contains a device for holding loose papers. [1/4 definitions]
blucher a low sturdy leather boot. [1/2 definitions]
chop1 to cut into many pieces with a sturdy knife or cleaver (often fol. by "up"). [1/8 definitions]
chunky of thick or sturdy build; stocky. [1/2 definitions]
cob a sturdy, short-legged type of horse. [1/3 definitions]
denim a sturdy, twilled, usu. cotton cloth used in clothing. [1/3 definitions]
donkey a sturdy domestic animal that resembles a horse but is smaller and has longer ears; ass. [1/3 definitions]
dray a low but sturdy cart with removable sides that is used for moving bulky or heavy objects. [1/3 definitions]
drill3 a sturdy twilled fabric, usu. of cotton.
duffel coat a hooded knee-length overcoat with frog fasteners that is usu. made of a sturdy wool fabric such as duffel or loden.
durable not easily worn out; long-lasting; sturdy. [1/2 definitions]
friction tape a sturdy cloth or plastic adhesive tape that is moisture-resistant and is used esp. to insulate electrical wires.
gabardine a sturdy fabric of rayon, cotton, or wool twill.
galatea a sturdy cotton cloth, either striped or solid, used for children's clothing or the like.
horsehair a sturdy cloth made of such hair. [1/2 definitions]
ice skate a sturdy shoe or short boot with a sharp blade attached to the sole, used for skating on ice.
jackboot a sturdy leather boot extending above the knee, used by the military, police, and the like. [1/2 definitions]
Manila (l.c.) made of a sturdy, brownish paper similar to paper that was originally made from Manila hemp. [1/3 definitions]
Manila paper a sturdy brownish paper, used for envelopes or wrapping, originally made from Manila hemp.
melton heavy wool fabric used mainly for making sturdy outer garments such as overcoats.