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Dictionary Suite
anamorphic producing, marked by, or pertaining to intentional distortion of an image.
breathy marked by intentional or unintentional expiration of air that softens or otherwise alters the normal timbre of a wind instrument. [1/2 definitions]
civil disobedience the intentional, nonviolent refusal to comply with a government law or requirement, in order to try to influence the government to change some law, policy, or the like.
false pretenses intentional misrepresentation of facts, as for purposes of fraud.
genocide the intentional attempt to exterminate all members of a certain race, nationality, or ethnic group.
go-by (informal) an intentional passing by or slight; snub.
intended planned and done with complete awareness; intentional; deliberate. [1/3 definitions]
lie1 an untrue statement made on purpose; intentional falsehood. [1/5 definitions]
malicious mischief the intentional destruction of another person's property or belongings.
metathesis the accidental or intentional interchange of letters, syllables, or sounds within one word or among words.
perjury the intentional giving of false testimony under oath in a court or other official proceeding.
self-effacement the dislike or intentional avoidance of other people's attention; humility.
slice in certain sports, to strike (a ball) so that it curves in a slice, or is given intentional backspin. [1/11 definitions]
telesis an intentional use of natural or social processes to attain chosen goals.
unintentional combined form of intentional.
unthinking not intentional or deliberate; unwitting. [1/3 definitions]
unwitting not intentional; innocent; inadvertent. [1/2 definitions]
violence the intentional or uncontrollable causing of pain, injury, or harm. [1/5 definitions]
violent involving intentional force that causes or might cause injury. [1/6 definitions]
voluntary in law, intentional; deliberate. [1/4 definitions]
waiver the intentional relinquishing of a right, claim, or privilege, or a suspension of an existing rule or policy. [1/2 definitions]