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bd. ft. abbreviation of "board foot," or "board feet," a unit of measure for lumber, equal to one foot square and one inch thick.
board foot a unit of measure for lumber, equal to one foot square and one inch thick.
castle in chess, to move (the king) two squares sideways and then move the rook to the first square passed over by the king. [1/6 definitions]
egg roll a thin flat square of egg dough that is folded like an envelope around finely chopped raw vegetables and shredded pork or shrimp, and then fried in deep fat.
foresail the principal sail hung on the forward mast or stay, such as the lowermost square sail on a square-rigged ship, or the jib on a cutter.
mechanical drawing descriptive precision drawing, often to scale, that is done with the aid of such implements as T squares, compasses, and French curves; drafting. [1/2 definitions]
Scottish terrier one of a breed of small terrier that originated in Scotland, with short legs, a blunt square muzzle, erect ears, and a dark wiry coat.