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Dictionary Suite
back the backbone; spine. [1/15 definitions]
backbone anything similar to a backbone in location, function, support, or appearance. [1/3 definitions]
chine a backbone, esp. of an animal; spine. [2/4 definitions]
iguana any of various large herbivorous lizards of tropical America that often have a ridge of spiny projections along the backbone.
invertebrate without a spinal column or backbone; not vertebrate. [1/3 definitions]
spinal column in vertebrate animals, the row of vertebrae linked together to form the axis of the skeleton and protect the spinal cord; spine; backbone.
spine the backbone in vertebrates; spinal column. [2/4 definitions]
spineless having no spine or backbone. [1/3 definitions]
stegosaur any of several plant-eating dinosaurs having a small head and a double row of bony plates and spikes along the backbone.
tenderloin a strip of esp. tender meat located beside the backbone in beef or pork. [1/2 definitions]
vertebrate having a backbone. [2/3 definitions]