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accentual of or pertaining to accent or stress in poetry. [2 definitions]
alexandrine (sometimes cap.) in poetry, a twelve-syllable line with alternating unstressed and stressed syllables, usu. with a clear pause after six syllables. [1/2 definitions]
antistrophe in ancient Greek poetry or theater, the return movement made by the chorus in response to the previous strophe. (Cf. strophe.) [1/2 definitions]
Apollo in Greek and Roman mythology, the god of light, prophecy, music, poetry, and medicine. [1/2 definitions]
assonance in poetry, use of the same vowel sounds in the accented syllables but with different consonants, as in "deep" and "feet". [1/2 definitions]
bard in ancient Celtic times, a person who composed and recited or sang epic poetry. [1/2 definitions]
book a literary work such as a novel or volume of poetry. [1/13 definitions]
cadence a rhythmic pattern of movement, as in music or poetry. [1/3 definitions]
calliope (cap.) in Greek mythology, the Muse of epic or heroic poetry. [1/2 definitions]
canzone a lyric poetry form used by Provençal or Italian troubadours in the thirteenth century.
chant to sing or read psalms, prayers, or poetry in a chanting style. [1/7 definitions]
comma a punctuation mark (,) used to separate words, phrases, or other elements in a sentence, particulars in a list, or thousands in written numerals, or to indicate a pause, as in poetry.
concrete poetry a form of poetry in which the arrangement of words and phrases on the printed page is intended to convey a visual as well as poetic image.
couplet two successive lines of poetry that usu. rhyme and have the same meter, and often form a single unit of meaning.
decasyllable a word or line of poetry having ten syllables.
dirge any mournful music, poetry, or sounds resembling a lament for the dead. [1/2 definitions]
Edda either of two early Icelandic literary works, one a collection of religious and mythological poems, and the other a summary of Norse mythology and a manual on poetry.
foot the smallest unit of poetry, consisting of two or three syllables with a certain specified pattern of stresses, such as an iamb or dactyl. [1/10 definitions]
free verse poetry in which there are no regular rhymes, stanzaic forms, or metrical patterns.
hemistich half or nearly half of a line of verse or poetry, esp. when a caesura divides the line. [2 definitions]
heroic verse any verse form traditionally used for epic or dramatic poetry, such as iambic pentameter for English poetry.