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agreement in grammar, correspondence between the number, person, or grammatical gender of two syntactically connected words, esp.that of subject and verb or adjective and noun. [1/5 definitions]
butch (slang) of a female, having the appearance or behavior usu. associated with masculine gender. [1/2 definitions]
cisgender of, pertaining to, or being a person whose personal gender identity corresponds with the sex that this person was born with or was assigned at the time of birth.
come out to reveal one's sexual orientation or gender identity. [1/8 definitions]
declension in grammar, the process of listing systematically the inflected forms of an adjective, a noun, or a pronoun by categories such as case, gender, and number. [1/3 definitions]
demographic a portion of a human population with a shared characteristic or characteristics such as age, gender, ethnicity, or income. [2/3 definitions]
effeminate of a man or boy, having qualities of appearance, manner, or behavior conventionally associated with feminine rather than masculine gender; unmanly.
epicene of Greek and Latin nouns, having only one form that indicates either gender. [1/3 definitions]
Equal Rights Amendment a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would prohibit the infringement of rights because of gender.
ERA abbreviation of "Equal Rights Amendment," a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would prohibit the infringement of rights because of gender.
feminine in grammar, designating a female gender of nouns and pronouns in certain languages. (Cf. masculine, neuter.) [2/4 definitions]
genderless combined form of gender.
Indo-European of or pertaining to a family of languages that share such characteristics as inflection, grammatical number, and usu. gender, including most European and many Indian and Southeast Asian languages. [1/5 definitions]
inflection in grammar, the alteration in the form of words that allows the communication of information such as the gender, number, or case of a noun; the tense of a verb; or the degree of an adjective or adverb. [1/5 definitions]
it used to indicate an animal, abstract thing, group, inanimate object, or being of undetermined gender that has been mentioned or is about to be mentioned. [1/6 definitions]
Latinx (sometimes considered offensive) being or pertaining to a person or persons of Latin American ancestry (used in order to avoid gender specificity).
masculine in grammar, designating a male gender of nouns and pronouns in certain languages. (Cf. feminine, neuter.) [2/4 definitions]
monotype in biology, a single species that is the unique representative of its gender, family, or higher taxonomic classification.
monotypic of a biological species, being the unique representative of one's gender, family, or higher taxonomic classification.
neuter in grammar, neither feminine nor masculine with respect to gender. [2/9 definitions]
sex to determine the gender of. [1/6 definitions]