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aquiculture the growing of plants, often for their edible fruits, in nutrient water or water-soaked inert material rather than in soil; hydroponics. [1/2 definitions]
arachidonic acid an unsaturated fatty acid that is an important component of the cell membrane and is considered an essential nutrient in the diet of most mammals, including humans.
deficiency disease a disease caused by lack of a specific nutrient in the diet, or by the body's inability to absorb or metabolize it.
hydroponics (used with a sing. verb) the growing of plants in nutrient solutions rather than in soil.
inoculate to inject or transfer (viruses or microorganisms) into a nutrient material in which they can grow, such as a body. [1/3 definitions]
maltose a water-soluble sugar formed by malt enzymes acting on starch, used in brewing and distilling, as a nutrient or sweetener in foods, and in culture media.
upwelling the upward movement of deep ocean water and nutrient-rich cold water organisms to the ocean surface. [1/2 definitions]