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chip1 (chiefly British) a long, thin piece of potato that is deep-fried; French fry. [1/10 definitions]
crisp (chiefly British) a very thin slice of potato that is deep-fried and seasoned with salt and sometimes other flavorings; potato chip. [1/7 definitions]
fry1 (usu. pl.) pieces of deep-fried potato. [1/7 definitions]
Irish potato the white potato, widely grown in Ireland.
knish a flaky piece of dough stuffed with meat, potato, or the like and fried or baked.
ocarina a small wind instrument that has a small mouthpiece and finger holes, is shaped somewhat like an elongated potato, and produces soft, hollow sounds.
peeling a piece that has been peeled off something, such as a strip of potato skin.
potato a sweet potato. [1/3 definitions]
potato chip a thin slice of potato that is deep-fried until crisp, usu. salted, and sometimes flavored.
spud (informal) a potato. [1/3 definitions]
tomato hornworm a large green caterpillar that feeds on plants of the nightshade family, esp. tomato and potato plants, and develops into the hawk moth.
tuber a short, fleshy, rounded or oblong underground stem, such as the potato, with buds from which new shoots can grow. [1/2 definitions]
vichyssoise a cream of potato soup flavored with leeks and onions and usu. served chilled.
yam any of various large, orange-fleshed varieties of sweet potato. [1/2 definitions]