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Dictionary Suite
blow1 a quick, forcible hit by the fist or by a hard object. [1/3 definitions]
breaking and entering the felony of gaining forcible entry to a building belonging to another, with the intent of committing a crime.
hold1 to keep in a forcible manner. [1/18 definitions]
jailbreak a forcible escape from jail.
revolution the internal, usu. forcible, overthrow of a political system or legitimate government. [1/5 definitions]
whistle a shrill, high sound produced by the forcible expulsion of air through a narrow opening, such as pursed lips or a steam vent. [1/10 definitions]
wrench a sudden forcible twist. [1/13 definitions]
wrest to take, take away, or obtain with or as if with a forcible twist or yank. [1/3 definitions]