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eyas a hawk or falcon too young to leave the nest, or one taken from its nest to be trained for falconry.
hobby2 a small European falcon, formerly used to catch smaller game birds.
Horus the Egyptian god of the sun, usu. depicted as a falcon or as a man with a falcon's head.
jess a short strap fastened around the leg of a falcon or hawk, to which a leash can be attached.
kestrel a small grayish red European falcon that hovers in the air with its head to the wind. [1/2 definitions]
lanner a species of Mediterranean falcon used in falconry, esp. the female.
merlin a small aggressive falcon of Europe and North America. [1/2 definitions]
peregrine falcon a very swift falcon whose survival was seriously endangered by the pesticide DDT in the 195s and 1960s.
pigeon hawk a small falcon that is closely related to the European merlin.
sparrow hawk a small North American falcon; kestrel. [1/2 definitions]