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case1 a factual and reasoned argument. [1/9 definitions]
concrete of or relating to a specific factual thing or experience; not imagined or hypothetical. [1/10 definitions]
credit to consider as factual. [1/12 definitions]
editorialize to express opinions in an article that purports to be factual. [1/2 definitions]
evidence factual information presented as testimony in a court of law. [1/5 definitions]
in evidence submitted as factual testimony in a court of law. [1/2 definitions]
invalid2 without legal or factual force or effect; not valid; void. [1/2 definitions]
myth a story, theme, or personage that may or may not be factual, preserved in oral or written form as an embodiment of a people's ideals and accepted truths. [1/4 definitions]
nonfactual combined form of factual.
paramnesia in psychiatry, a distortion of memory in which factual and imagined events become confused.
so verifiable; true; factual. [1/15 definitions]
supposed assumed to be true, without factual certainty. [1/5 definitions]
tangible factual or real. [1/5 definitions]
veridical corresponding to reality; factual. [1/2 definitions]
wrong not true, factual, or correct. [1/13 definitions]