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break the ice to relieve social tensions caused by formality or awkwardness. [1/2 definitions]
ceremonious given to formality or ceremony; formally polite. [1/2 definitions]
ceremony extreme formality or politeness in the manner of carrying out some action, sometimes adopted artificially and containing little meaning. [2/4 definitions]
icebreaker something that relieves social tensions caused by formality or awkwardness. [1/2 definitions]
informality the condition of being informal; lack of formality; casualness. [1/2 definitions]
reserve formality and control in one's manner or feeling. [1/8 definitions]
rough-and-ready showing or characterized by rough vigor and quick response rather than refinement, formality, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
sir a title of respect and formality for nobles and gentlemen. [1/3 definitions]
unceremonious without ceremony or formality; informal. [1/2 definitions]