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curling iron a metal implement in the form of a rod that is heated, around which hair is wrapped in order to curl or wave it.
curly having curls or tending to curl, as hair.
frizzle a small, wiry curl. [1/2 definitions]
huddle to draw in, as to oneself; curl up or crouch. [1/8 definitions]
kink a short, tight curl or twist, as in a wire, hose, or hair. [1/5 definitions]
lock2 a curl or portion of hair. [1/2 definitions]
perm (informal) a process for putting a long-lasting curl or wave in the hair by applying a chemical solution and rolling the hair on curlers; permanent. [3 definitions]
pill bug any of various small land isopods that are able to curl their segmented bodies into a pill-like ball.
pin curl a strand of usu. damp hair wound around a finger into a flat curl and secured with a bobby pin until set.
resurrection plant any of several plants, such as the rose of Jericho, that curl up during dry periods and expand and become green again when they get water.
roll to be formed into a curl, ball, or cylinder. [2/32 definitions]
tress a lock or curl of hair. [1/2 definitions]
wave to be shaped in a succession of curves; gently or loosely curl. [1/14 definitions]
wreathe to form a wreath of; coil, twist, or curl. [2/6 definitions]