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flicker1 to cause to flicker. [1/5 definitions]
glimmer a slight, dim, or unsteady light; flicker; gleam. [1/4 definitions]
glint a brief flash or flicker of reflected light, as from a mirror or smooth metal surface. [1/4 definitions]
gutter to flicker or burn low, as a candle or lamp with a wick. [1/10 definitions]
twinkle to flicker or sparkle in the light, as a gem or other shiny object. [2/6 definitions]
waver1 to flicker, as a light or candle. [1/6 definitions]
yellowhammer an American flicker. [1/2 definitions]
yellow-shafted flicker a color phase of the common flicker that has bright yellow on the undersides of its wings and tail; yellowhammer.