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Chile saltpeter naturally occurring sodium nitrate, esp. as found in Chile and Peru.
dynamite a strong explosive made of nitroglycerine or ammonium nitrate. [1/3 definitions]
giant powder dynamite made of nitroglycerin, sulfur, sodium nitrate, rosin, and usu. kieselguhr, and used for blasting.
gunpowder an explosive used to propel a gun projectile, esp. the explosive made from potassium nitrate, sulfur, and charcoal; black powder.
lunar caustic silver nitrate, used in medicine to cauterize tissues.
niter a whitish salt, potassium nitrate or sodium nitrate, used in gunpowder or fertilizer; saltpeter.
nitrate potassium nitrate or sodium nitrate used as fertilizer. [2/3 definitions]
nitrify to oxidize into nitrous or nitric acid or a nitrite or nitrate, as by bacterial action in soil. [1/2 definitions]
saltpeter a natural form of potassium nitrate that is used in the manufacture of gunpowder.
sugar-cured of meats, esp. ham, cured with a mixture of sugar, salt, and nitrate or nitrite.