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bluegrass country music of the southern United States typically played on stringed instruments and characterized by frequent improvisation. [1/2 definitions]
impromptu a short musical composition, esp. for the piano, that seems like an improvisation. [1/3 definitions]
jazz a form of music characterized by improvisation and complex rhythms, with early influences of ragtime and blues. Jazz originated among Black musicians during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in America. Jazz has continued to evolve and to influence new forms of modern music in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
prelude in music, an introductory piece or movement such as an overture, or a short, independent instrumental composition in a free form like an impromptu or improvisation. [1/6 definitions]
rhapsody a musical composition having an irregular form suggesting improvisation. [1/2 definitions]
third stream a kind of music that combines jazz improvisation with classical forms.