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brag an excessively proud or boastful statement. [1/5 definitions]
elate to make extremely happy or proud; cause to be in elevated spirits.
elated extremely happy or proud; in elevated spirits.
flattering making one feel proud or pleased with oneself because of the compliment of another or because of something considered complimentary. [1/2 definitions]
granulation tissue tissue that forms in ulcers and often in healing wounds, consisting of small bumps of newly forming capillaries; proud flesh.
haughty proud in a manner that shows disdain for others; arrogant.
honor a privilege that makes one feel proud. [1/13 definitions]
immodest overly proud or assertive; arrogant or impudent; conceited. [1/2 definitions]
lofty showing a belief that one is superior to other people; proud; arrogant. [1/3 definitions]
sophomoric displaying intellectual pretentiousness or proud confidence about one's knowledge when actually poorly informed or immature.
strut1 to walk in a proud, vain, or cocky manner. [1/3 definitions]
swagger to walk or move in a proud or arrogant manner; strut. [2/5 definitions]
upstart one who has gone from a humble beginning to a position of power, wealth, or importance, esp. one who is now presumptuous and excessively proud. [1/4 definitions]
vainglorious excessively proud or vain; filled with vainglory. [1/2 definitions]