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alteration a modification or change. [1/3 definitions]
bioengineering the application of engineering principles and technology to medical and biological problems, such as the modification of genes.
diffraction modification of light or other waves by partially obstructing them so that they bend around the obstruction and break into bands of different frequencies.
evolution the continuous modification and adaptation of organisms to their environments through selection, hybridization, and the like. [1/3 definitions]
Golgi body an organelle consisting of a series of flattened saccules, vesicles, and vacuoles that is active in the modification and transport of proteins.
Great Green Wall a multinational African initiative to fight desertification and land degradation by modification of land use, water harvesting, and the planting and maintenance of trees primarily along the southern edge of the Sahara Desert, a belt of land that stretches across the width of the continent. [1/2 definitions]
heterodyne of or designating a merging or method of merging two frequencies such that the resulting frequency equals the sum of or difference between the two, often accomplished by the modification of an incoming signal by a receiver. [1/3 definitions]
natural without artificial modification; unadulterated. [1/9 definitions]
policymaking the creation and modification of policy, esp. that which guides a government's actions.
premodification combined form of modification.
qualification a modification or restriction of, or a condition attached to, something with which one is in general agreement. [1/5 definitions]
semisynthetic produced by chemical modification of a natural substance.
taxeme any of the minimal features in grammatical construction, such as word selection, word order, or phonetic modification.