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bitter full of, marked by, or causing emotions such as grief, anger, resentment, or hatred. [1/5 definitions]
chip on one's shoulder a persistent feeling of resentment or unhappiness; grudge.
discontent a sense of resentment or restless dissatisfaction. [1/4 definitions]
envy the desire for someone else's possessions, advantages, or qualities, or the feeling of resentment or unhappiness that accompanies this feeling. [1/4 definitions]
forgive to relinquish anger or resentment against. [1/4 definitions]
grudge a feeling of resentment harbored against someone because of a real or imagined injustice. [1/4 definitions]
huff a state of resentment or bad temper; offended, angry mood. [1/3 definitions]
huffy characterized by sulky resentment. [1/2 definitions]
invidious tending to arouse feelings of resentment or animosity, esp. because of a slight; offensive or discriminatory.
jealousy envious or suspicious resentment, as of another's success, good fortune, or good qualities. [1/4 definitions]
make one's blood boil to provoke anger or resentment.
offend to anger, annoy, or provoke resentment in. [2/5 definitions]
offensive insulting or rude, or causing resentment or anger by being considered such. [1/6 definitions]
outrage the fury, indignation, and resentment aroused by an extremely cruel, unjust, or offensive act. [1/6 definitions]
pained having or showing hurt feelings, resentment, or distress.
pique to incite to hostility or resentment, esp. by hurting the feelings. [2/4 definitions]
rancor bitter, continuing resentment; hatred.
rancorous feeling or showing bitter resentment; hateful.
rankle to cause continual bother or resentment. [1/2 definitions]
resentful feeling or displaying resentment.
sulk to express resentment or bad humor by remaining sullenly silent or aloof. [2/3 definitions]