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babbitt to provide with a lining or facing of Babbitt metal. [1/2 definitions]
back-to-back having the back sides adjoining so that the front sides are facing outward. [1/2 definitions]
berlin a large four-wheeled closed carriage with separate perches for the footman and driver, and two facing seats inside. [1/2 definitions]
broadside with the broadest side facing a given point or direction. [1/9 definitions]
centerfold the facing pages at the center of a magazine, often used for a large photograph or other graphic display. [1/2 definitions]
cloister in architecture, a covered walkway around the inside of a building, facing an open central courtyard. [1/4 definitions]
condyle a rounded projection on the end of one bone that fits into a hollow at the facing end of the next bone, forming a ball-and-socket joint.
console table a narrow waist-high table often placed against a wall, the facing legs of which have ornamental brackets.
cop out (informal) to avoid facing a responsibility or fulfilling a promise, esp. in a cowardly way.
country-dance an English folk dance characterized by dancers forming two lines facing each other.
east the direction in front of a person facing the rising sun. [2/7 definitions]
eastward in, at, facing, or moving toward the east. [1/3 definitions]
endways with the end of one object touching or facing the end of the next; end to end. [1/4 definitions]
extrorse in botany, facing outward; turned away from the center. (Cf. introrse.)
forehand of a stroke in tennis or the like, performed with the palm facing forward. [1/4 definitions]
front to be facing in a specified direction. [1/13 definitions]
frontispiece an illustration facing or preceding the title page of a book.
guardant of an animal on a heraldic shield, depicted with the head facing the viewer and the body in profile.
gutter the inner margins between facing pages of a book. [1/10 definitions]
half gainer a dive in which the diver, facing forward, executes half of a backward somersault, thus entering the water headfirst and facing the diving board.
head-on frontally opposed or facing, or meeting head-to-head or front-to-front, as in a conflict or collision. [2/3 definitions]