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business college a school that offers instruction in business-related skills, such as typing, bookkeeping, and business administration.
charge a debit entered into a bookkeeping account. [1/22 definitions]
debit in double-entry bookkeeping, the left-hand side of an accounts ledger, or any entry or sum recorded on the left-hand side. (Cf. credit.) [1/5 definitions]
double entry a common bookkeeping system in which each transaction is credited to one account and debited to another. (Cf. single entry.)
journal a ledger used in double-entry bookkeeping for recording accounts. [1/4 definitions]
single entry a system of bookkeeping in which each transaction is entered only once, either as a debit or a credit. (Cf. double entry.)
suspense account in bookkeeping, an account in which items such as credits or debits are temporarily recorded before their final disposition is determined.
trial balance in double-entry bookkeeping, a statement of all open debit and credit balances, usu. made to test their equality before a final statement is issued.