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excreta substances that are excreted from the body, such as sweat and urine.
foam frothy sweat on the skin of a horse or other animal, or frothy saliva at the mouth, esp. after vigorous exercise or as a symptom of rabies. [1/6 definitions]
heat rash an acute skin condition resulting from inflammation of the sweat glands; miliaria.
insulin shock hypoglycemia caused by excessive insulin in the blood, and characterized by shakiness, cold sweat, convulsions, and eventually coma.
lather foamy sweat, as exuded by a horse during intense exertion. [2/7 definitions]
miliaria a disease characterized by inflammation of the skin, esp. near the sweat glands, causing eruptions and blisters and usu. resulting from overexposure to heat; prickly heat.
perspiration the moisture thus excreted; sweat. [1/2 definitions]
perspire to exude moisture through the pores of the skin; sweat. [1/2 definitions]
pore2 a tiny opening in the outer surface of a plant or animal through which air, water, sweat, or the like may pass out or in. [1/2 definitions]
prickly heat inflammation of the sweat glands; miliaria.
sudoriferous secreting, conveying, or producing sweat.
sudorific causing or increasing sweat, as a medication. [1/2 definitions]
sweat to cause to sweat with heat, hard exercise, a sudorific drug, or the like. [2/18 definitions]
sweatband a band of cloth or leather sewn into a hat to absorb sweat. [1/2 definitions]
sweatbox an enclosed or confined place that causes one to sweat abundantly. [1/2 definitions]
sweat gland any of numerous tiny tubular glands located near the surface of the skin, that secrete sweat.
sweatpants pants made of cotton jersey, usu. having elastic at the cuffs and waistband, designed to be worn during exercise to induce sweating or absorb sweat.
sweatshirt a usu. long-sleeved cotton jersey pullover, often worn during exercise to induce sweating or absorb sweat.
sweaty moist or covered with sweat. [3 definitions]
water sweat, urine, or other liquid secreted by the body. [1/14 definitions]