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floodgate a gate, as in a canal, used to control a flow or level of water. [1/2 definitions]
gatehouse a house built next to or over a gate, often used as a keeper's lodging. [2 definitions]
gatekeeper a person who supervises the passage of traffic through a gate.
gatepost an upright post on which a gate is hung by hinges or to which it is attached when closed.
gateway an opening or passageway that may be closed by means of a gate. [1/2 definitions]
latchkey a key that releases a latch, esp. on an outer door or gate. [1/2 definitions]
penstock a gate or sluice that controls a flow of water. [1/2 definitions]
postern a small, usu. private entrance or gate, usu. in the back or at the side of a building. [1/2 definitions]
sluice a man-made channel, fitted with a control gate, through which water flows. [2/7 definitions]
tollgate a gate or gatelike structure where a toll is collected, as on a highway.
water gate a gate for controlling the flow of water; floodgate.
wicket a small door or gate, usu. set in or near a larger one for use when the larger one is locked. [2/6 definitions]