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bored finding something tedious or dull; uninterested.
boring2 causing one to be bored; tedious; monotonous; dull.
chore an unpleasant, difficult, or tedious task. [1/2 definitions]
dreary tedious, boring, or unexciting. [1/2 definitions]
grind (informal) tedious or boring work. [1/12 definitions]
grub a tedious, dull person. [2/8 definitions]
keep one's nose to the grindstone to start or diligently pursue some hard or tedious work, esp. in a spirit of resignation.
long1 tedious in length. [1/10 definitions]
moil difficult or tedious work; toil; drudgery. [1/4 definitions]
monotonous uninteresting due to lack of variation; tedious. [1/2 definitions]
plod to work continually on a monotonous or tedious task; toil; drudge. [1/5 definitions]
preachify (informal) to preach or moralize in a tedious or unwelcome way.
preachment a tedious or unwelcome sermon, moral lecture, or the like.
put one's nose to the grindstone to start or diligently pursue some hard or tedious work, esp. in a spirit of resignation.
relieve to break or interrupt (something tedious). [1/5 definitions]
repetitious marked by or filled with repetition, esp. tedious repetition.
scut work (informal) work that is regarded as tedious, menial, dirty, or otherwise distasteful.
task something to be done that is difficult or tedious. [1/4 definitions]
tedium the state or condition of being tedious, dull, or wearisome; monotony.
unreadable not interesting to read; dull or tedious. [1/3 definitions]
wearisome mentally wearying; tedious. [1/2 definitions]