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bark3 a sailing ship with between three and five masts, all but one of which are square-rigged.
barkentine a ship with three or more masts, square-rigged on the foremast, and fore-and-aft rigged on the others.
brig a two-masted sailing vessel with square-rigged sails. [1/2 definitions]
brigantine a two-masted sailing vessel with square-rigged sails on the front mast and a fore-and-aft mainsail.
foresail the principal sail hung on the forward mast or stay, such as the lowermost square sail on a square-rigged ship, or the jib on a cutter.
maintop the platform positioned at the head of the mainmast on a square-rigged sailing vessel.
skysail the uppermost sail on the mainmast of a square-rigged ship.
square-rigger a square-rigged sailing ship.
topgallant of, pertaining to, or designating the mast, and any sail attached to it, that is situated above the topmast on a square-rigged ship. [1/2 definitions]