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authentic in conformance with the known facts; authoritative. [1/2 definitions]
Bible (l.c.) any book or text that is considered authoritative or official. [1/3 definitions]
boss1 to be overly controlling or authoritative. [1/7 definitions]
canonical accepted as standard or authoritative. [1/3 definitions]
canonize to give authoritative, esp. religious, approval to. [1/3 definitions]
cathedral authoritative, as coming from an official source. [1/5 definitions]
Church Fathers the ecclesiastical authorities of the early Christian church, whose writings had an authoritative influence on the formation of Christian doctrine.
classic serving as the best of its type; authoritative; definitive. [1/10 definitions]
commanding having a domineering or authoritative air; imposing. [1/3 definitions]
crown (sometimes cap.) the position, authoritative power, or emblem of a monarch. [1/21 definitions]
decree an official and authoritative order or decision, esp. by a ruler or government. [1/3 definitions]
decretal an authoritative decree or set of decrees, esp. on some point of church doctrine or church law. [1/2 definitions]
decretory having the effect of a legal decree; definitive or authoritative. [1/2 definitions]
definitive most reliable, complete, or authoritative. [1/3 definitions]
dictate to state or order with authoritative force; prescribe definitely. [1/6 definitions]
dictation the act of giving authoritative commands. [1/3 definitions]
directive an authoritative order or instruction. [1/2 definitions]
documentary pertaining to, consisting of, or based on written, authoritative information. [1/2 definitions]
fiat an authoritative, often arbitrary, decree or order.
higher-up (informal) someone who occupies an authoritative or relatively high position, as in a business or association.
last1 most authoritative. [1/12 definitions]